But you also might get called a 化け物 if you really piss someone off. Speaking of beasts, that brings us to the next one which is 化け物 (bakemono) which means “monster or goblin.” You might hear this one more often in fantasy anime describing the actual monsters. But it can also be used to call some one a “beast or brute” if you’d like. The first is that it can be used to mean “dammit” kind of like クソ that we saw earlier. The first one is 畜生 (chikushou) which can be used for a few different things. Here’s a few more insults that I wanted to share with you. But it’s used like “this asshole.” A few more insults, and two you probably shouldn’t ever use.

But it is used like “I’m better than you.” We don’t really have anything like this in English, but if you add words after “you” then we can clearly see how it works. So when you use one of the Japanese words for “you” that puts the person you’re talking to in a much, much lower position than yourself, it becomes an insult. There are certain words that you use with people who are your equals, and different words that you use with your superiors. It all comes back to the different levels of social status in the Japanese culture. Would you believe that the word “you” in Japanese can be an insult? How can that be true? So you can see how misunderstandings can occur if you’re from one part of Japan and use アホ in a joking manner, and the other person is from a different part of the country where it’s an aggressive insult. That last one (aho), which is usually written in katakana as アホ, very often gets translated as a synonym to バカ, but it actually has a different meaning depending on where you are at. There are a few other versions of the word バカ that mean basically the same thing. Now, I have no idea if that story it true or not, but it definitely makes an interesting read! All the ones who agreed with him that it was a deer, were the ones he knew were loyal to him. The emperor laughed and called him a fool, but the guy who brought the deer asked all the other officials if it was a deer or a horse. So he brought in a deer as a present for the emperor and he called it a hose. The kanji for it is 馬鹿 which means “horse-dear.” I heard an interesting story as to how that word came about.Ī long time ago an official was planning on committing treason, but he wasn’t sure who all was loyal to him. バカ usually means “idiot or stupid” but it can also be used in a more friendly way to call someone a “dummy” when they do something silly. This is for sure the most common insult in Japanese. So クソ猫 (kuso neko) would be “damn cat.”Īnother common word that can be used as a pejorative suffix is… Idiot – baka You can also use クソ as a pejorative suffix, which means that you add it on to a noun. Two more words that include クソ in them are: It has a more attention grabbing power than hiragana, so a lot of manga artists prefer to write it that way. That’s because you will probably see it written in katakana in most manga. You’ll also note that I wrote it in katakana, even though it’s not a loan word. One of the most common swear words is クソ (kuso) and it usually gets translated as “damn or shit.” This is known as an exclamatory which is something that you blurt out when you stub your toe, or when you accidentally break something. 4.1) Fair warning: Use these next two at your own peril! Damn – kuso